Work With Us

As members of the Medway Dementia Action Alliance, we’re keen to roll out our Memory Box project to more people, be they older, socially isolated or living with Dementia.

Boxes 1

The project offers people the opportunity to get together to share their stories and recollections of a special time in their lives. This can be during an event like the Older People’s Tea Party with Golding Homes, or during  craft workshops in which they can also create a keepsake from a memory or incorporate an existing keepsake into a new memento, as seen in our project with the Watts Almshouses.

With funding from the Lady Neville Charity for a new iPad, our capacity for recording oral histories has vastly increased and we’re keen to add to a collection that will turn into a Kent wide heritage memory bank.

If you would like to discuss how we can help capture the memories of your particular group, please email Jaye at

Completed Memory Box Projects